Chaos Shard Studio - GIG Ballarat booth

Chaos Shard At Get Into Games Expo Ballarat

Chaos Shard Studios Yesterday, Friday 10th of May Chaos Shard Studio had a booth at the Ballarat Get Into Games (GIG) expo. What an experience it was! Chaos Shard Studios was one of 5 local Ballarat game development studios to showcase games both completed and in development to local high school students and industry experts. Chaos Shard Studios had several projects available to play on the day including Get The HELL Outta Here! and Runimals. Read more…

Chaos Shard Studios - Runimals - Game Developer Ballarat - Indie Game Developer

Runimals Endless Runner Now Available On Android

Runimals: Endless Runner Now In Open Beta Chaos Shard Studios is very happy to announce that Runimals endless runner is finally in open Beta!! Runimals is currently available on the Google Play Store for Android devices only at this stage. Play during the Beta to receive exclusive skins as a thank you for helping us make Runimals a great indie game. Runimals is an infinite runner game where the player takes control of a low Read more…

Chaos Shard Studios - Fight The Dream - Red Crab - Ballarat Based


The last 12 months have seen a lot of growth and skill development for the company. We now have two projects in the late stages of development, and feedback on both of these has so far been positive. 2019 will see the completion of both Runimals and Get the HELL Outta Here! along with some Freelance work and the completion of a prototype for our new project, effectionately called “Fight the Dream”. Stay tuned for Read more…

Chaos Shard Studios - Ballarat Based

Chaos is Happening

Chaos Shard Studios is a small Ballarat based Indie game studio. The founders, Nicole and Robert Dance are steadily honing their skills in Programming, Website Design and Development (as a priority, ? ), 3D Modelling, Graphic Design, Level Design and increase their game making the experience. This site is currently under development – more information will be added as the Studio progresses.